Separate water metering

Separate water metering can be installed, but it does require the unanimous concurrence of all owners.

A number of owners corporations are considering the installation of individual water meters, however there are prerequisites to action that seem not to be getting the attention they merit.

Icon Water will install separate water meters, but only if each and every owner has agreed to all the conditions and signed the form here.

Then the OC has to engage a Hydraulic Consultant to draft an External Services Plan (ESP). At this stage the OC will have to work out exactly how the system will operate. If a series of individual meters are installed for the common property and each unit, it is probably more expensive than having one meter at the boundary and deduction meters at each unit. However, with deduction meters the bill would come to the OC and the OC would then have to divide up the bill using the deduction meter readings. Most OCs would be unwilling to get involved in the administration and potential disputes. But the necessary pipe work to install individual meters could be prohibitively expensive and/or destructive.

The finalised External Services Plan is then submitted to Icon. Icon Water will grant approval if the design meets the Water and Sewerage standards on a guaranteed turnaround.

The OC then has to obtain a quote from a licensed plumber to install the new internal water service lines and meters. A Work As Executed (WAE) drawing needs to be submitted by the Hydraulic Consultant when the work is completed. Then the new billing system begins.

OCN is aware of one case going to ACAT, where an OC did resolve to expend funds on separate meters, but two member later refused to sign the agreement with the then ACTEW WATER. The issue was whether ACAT has the power to compel recalcitrant owners to sign the agreement and if, when, and how it would use that power. OCN is not aware whether that matter or a similar one ever went to a final hearing.