Building quality reforms
A decade of work on the part of OCN is coming to fruition. The ACT Assembly is currently holding an Inquiry into Building Quality.
ACT Government has set up a website Build, buy or renovate that contains information on ACT government action to ensure building quality.
The Building Ministers Forum commissioned The Shergold Weir Report which takes the same lines OCN has taken since its inception.
The Building Ministers Forum has adopted the Shergold Weir report as national policy.
ABC Four Corners did an investigation Cracking Up shown on19 August 2019 on significant defects in apartment buildings. The iview replay is available until 9:20pm on 18 Sep 2019.
Further Reading
Dr Nicole Johnston and Dr Sacha Reid undertook a review of over 3,000 building defects in apartment buildings, titled An examination of Building Defects in Residential Multi-owned Properties.